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Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that affects millions of people each year often resulting in high fever, severe fatigue, and muscle and joint pains for days or weeks. It is primarily found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide including parts of Central and South America, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands. For travelers from the United States, dengue fever can be a significant concern due to its prevalence in popular tourist destinations including urban cities.

Is a Dengue Fever Vaccine Available? 

Currently two dengue vaccines have been developed, the first to market is manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur named  Dengvaxia, and the second vaccine is named Qdenga made by Takeda Pharmaceuticals. While these dengue fever vaccines are available in some countries, they have not been approved for use in the United States and are currently unavailable for international travelers departing from the US. 

As the more recent dengue fever vaccine to market, Qdenga also known as TAK-003, has shown more promising results in clinical trials and offers protection against all four dengue virus serotypes.  Additionally, unlike Dengvaxia, the Qdenga vaccine can be administered to individuals regardless of previous dengue exposure.  In other words, submitting a blood sample for laboratory testing before vaccination with Qdenga in not needed.  

Where is the Qdenga Vaccine Available Outside of the US?

Countries that have approved the use of Qdenga dengue fever vaccine include all European Union member states, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand.  *The list of countries where Qdenga vaccine is available is likely to grow, check the manufacturer website or World Health Organization dengue vaccine information for updates.

Will Qdenga Vaccine Be Available in the US?

As of July 2023, Takeda Pharmaceuticals withdrew its application for Qdenga from the FDA due to a disagreement over data collection requirements . The company is exploring options for a potential resubmission, as such there is no set timeline for Qdenga’s availability in the United States.

Dengue fever vaccine can help prevent infection while traveling internationally

Qdenga Vaccine; Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How many doses of Qdenga are needed for protection?

A: Qdenga is given as a two-dose series separated by 3 months.

Q2: How long does Qdenga vaccine protect against dengue?

A: Long-term studies have show that Qdenga prevented 84% of hospitalizations and 61% of symptomatic dengue illness after four and a half years.

Q3: At what age can you receive Qdenga?

A: The approved age for use varies by country.  In the European Union and United Kingdom, Qdenga is available for individuals four years and older.

Q4: What are the side effects from Qdenga vaccine?

A: The most commonly reported side effects after vaccination include, pain at the injection site, headache, muscle pain, and tiredness.

Q5: I live in the US and don’t have access to Qdenga vaccine, how do I protect myself?

A: For international travelers departing from the US, the single best prevention against dengue fever is avoiding mosquito bites.  Application of a proven insect repellants to skin and clothing such as DEET and permethrin products greatly reduce your risk of infection.

Visit Destination Health Clinic Before Traveling

Consider scheduling a pre-travel appointment with Destination Health Clinic for more information about dengue fever.  Keep in mind, if you’re traveling to a place where dengue fever is a concern, chances are other vaccines are also recommended like Hepatitis A, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever or Japanese Encephalitis.  Destination Health Clinic offers three Massachusetts locations;  Braintree – South Shore,  Springfield – Longmeadow, or Natick – Framingham.

Popular destinations like Rio de Janeiro, Brazil have a risk of dengue fever because the mosquito is well adapted to city and urban landscapes