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Due to health concerns, some travelers are unable to safely receive the yellow fever vaccination and don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to enjoy a safari in Africa.  Botswana offers fantastic wildlife viewing opportunities, including African wild dogs, buffalo, elephant, giraffe, lion, leopard, and rhino. 

Yellow Fever Free Safari Options in Botswana

Safari experiences in Botswana rival other African countries in biodiversity without the risk of yellow fever disease.  The most popular options include Chobe National Park and Moremi Game Reserve near the Okavango Delta.  Both are located in the remote northern region of Botswana with many visitors arriving by small charter plane. 

Travelers with limited time in search of a safari experience near the capital Gaborone have the option to explore Mokolodi Nature Reserve.

Is Yellow Fever Vaccine Required for Botswana?

While there is no risk for yellow fever illness in all of Botswana, the vaccine may be required to enter the country after visiting another African country where yellow fever is found such as Kenya or Uganda. The yellow fever requirement can apply for layovers in another country with yellow fever even if you did not leave the airport.  Proof of vaccination must be documented on the International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis (ICVP) also known as the “Yellow Card.”

Does Botswana Require Yellow Fever if Arriving From South Africa?

The short answer is no, but you must be certain of your travel plans before arriving to South Africa.  Because South Africa is also a yellow fever free country, travelers arriving to Botswana after visiting South Africa do not need to show proof of vaccination.  However, if you stopped in another country in Africa with yellow fever before visiting South Africa, then the yellow fever vaccine may be required.

Many travelers fly direct to South Africa from the US or with a layover in Europe, in these cases, the yellow fever requirement does not apply since there is no yellow fever in the US or Europe.

Botswana offers several great safari options and without the need to receive the yellow fever vaccine

Vaccine Recommendations for Botswana

While yellow fever vaccination is not needed for most visitors to Botswana, it’s important to be up-to-date on routine and travel vaccines before arriving.  Especially important vaccines for Botswana include typhoid fever and hepatitis A because these are commonly spread from food and beverage contamination.  Other vaccines to consider include;

Disease Risks from Other People:

Diseases from Animal Bites

Routine Vaccines for Older Adults

Do I Need Malaria Tablets for Safari in Botswana?

Because Chobe National Park and Moremi Game Reserve (including Okavango Delta) have risk for malaria transmission, antimalarial medication is needed to prevent illness.  Most travelers opt for a daily medication that is well tolerated and does not interfere with vacation plans.

For travelers with plans limited to wildlife viewing near the capital Gaborone, there is no malaria concern and medication is not necessary.  Keep in mind, other mosquito or tick illnesses can still occur, so it’s important to apply insect repellant on skin and clothing.

Visit Destination Health Clinic Before Your Trip to Botswana

With three convenient Massachusetts locations, Destination Health Travel Clinic will prepare you for your safari to Botswana with vaccinations, malaria prescription, and health information.  Many travelers choose to combine a trip to Botswana with South Africa, Kruger National Park, and Victoria Falls and you can read more about vaccine and malaria recommendations from the links. We invite you to call our friendly staff to schedule an appointment or book your visit with us online.