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Covering half the landmass of South America, many travelers agree that Brazil has it all!  Seemingly endless natural areas like the Amazon, Pantanal, and Iguazu Falls are juxtaposed with exciting urban centers of Rio, Sao Paulo, and Salvador. And don’t forget to visit some of the most scenic beaches in the world in Rio, Fortaleza, and Fernando de Noronha.  

Typhoid Fever Vaccine Protects Against Food Illness

All those action-packed days and nights naturally come with sampling a variety of cuisines and drinks.  And while Brazil is known for some of the best flavors the world over, it’s also known to come with some risks. 

The Typhoid Fever and Hepatitis A vaccines are recommended for nearly all travelers because these illnesses can be transmitted via food and drink. 

When food service workers do not wash hands after using the bathroom, these illnesses can contaminate food and beverages you ingest.  Don’t leave your health in someone else’s hands (literally), vaccination prior to your trip is the best protection. 

Brazil offers travelers exciting destinations to enjoy. Visit Destination Health Travel Clinic before your trip to update your vaccines and receive malaria medication
The Yellow Fever vaccine is recommended for travel to Rio

Do I Need the Yellow Fever Vaccine for Brazil?

If you’re planning a trip to Brazil you may be asking “Do I need the Yellow Fever vaccine for Brazil?” For many travelers, the answer is “Yes!” 

Due to an extensive Yellow Fever outbreak in Brazil in 2017, the recommendations for the Yellow Fever vaccine by CDC has expanded.   In addition to travelers to the Amazon and Iguazu Falls, travelers to larger cities like Rio and Sao Paulo are also suggested to receive the vaccine. 

Further, visitors going to any of the following Brazilian states should be vaccinated;

Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, and Tocantins.  

Read more about the Yellow Fever vaccine including common questions before your appointment.  During your visit with Destination Health Travel Clinic, we will review your travel plans in detail to determine if the Yellow Fever vaccine is right for you. 

Additional Vaccine Advice for Brazil

For all international destinations, including visiting Brazil, ensure you are up-to-date on routine vaccinations such as:

Rabies Vaccine 

Dog bites are the main source of rabies exposure in people while on travels.  Some visitors with plans to visit rural areas or those with plans to stay longer-term may consider vaccination with the rabies vaccine for humans before travel.

Malaria Risk in Brazil

While no vaccine exists to prevent malaria, medication taken by mouth may be recommended for some regions of Brazil.  Malaria is uncommon in major cities and beaches in Brazil.  However, travelers to rural areas, including the Amazon should be aware of the risk for malaria.  If prevention medication is right for you, a prescription will be sent to your pharmacy as part of your visit.  Learn more about malaria and medication options. 

Travel to the Amazon to see amazing wildlife but do so safely with recommended vaccines and malaria medication